Josh Rowell
1088 Reflections of Me, 2021
Acrylic on Canvas
122 x 220 cm
This painting consists of the word 'me' repeated 1088 times on the left-hand side of the painting, with a mirror-image of the text reflected on the right-hand side. 1088 is...
This painting consists of the word 'me' repeated 1088 times on the left-hand side of the painting, with a mirror-image of the text reflected on the right-hand side. 1088 is a significant number, at the time of producing this artwork (April 2021) this was the number of posts being uploaded to Instagram around the world each second. Again, the choice of the word 'me' was designed to highlight the increasing levels of narcissistic behaviour that is flourishing across social media platforms; with the repetition of the word attempting to comment on the relentless and constant nature of social media and our interaction with it. By reflecting the text on the right-hand side, this relates to the original Narcissus story, the boy who fell in love with his own reflection, as well as the concept of now turning cameras back around at ourselves in the 'selfie' generation.
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